This Choreo retrieves information for the specified stock symbol from Yahoo Finance. The Choreo performs a query on the finance.quotes YQL Open Data Table. The documentation for this Yahoo resource can be found here.
Here's an example of acceptable inputs:
StockSymbol: AAPL
ResponseFormat: json
The following is a sample of the JSON information returned by this Choreo:
"query": {
"count": 1,
"created": "2015-01-07T21:38:49Z",
"lang": "en-US",
"results": {
"quote": {
"symbol": "AAPL",
"Ask": "107.84",
"AverageDailyVolume": "51702000",
"Bid": "107.80",
"AskRealtime": "107.84",
"BidRealtime": "107.80",
"BookValue": "19.015",
"Change_PercentChange": "+1.49 - +1.40%",
"Change": "+1.49",
"Commission": null,
"Currency": "USD",
"ChangeRealtime": "+1.49",
"AfterHoursChangeRealtime": "N/A - N/A",
"DividendShare": "1.8457",
"LastTradeDate": "1/7/2015",
"TradeDate": null,
"EarningsShare": "6.45",
"ErrorIndicationreturnedforsymbolchangedinvalid": null,
"EPSEstimateCurrentYear": "7.77",
"EPSEstimateNextYear": "8.56",
"EPSEstimateNextQuarter": "1.99",
"DaysLow": "106.695",
"DaysHigh": "108.20",
"YearLow": "70.5071",
"YearHigh": "119.75",
"HoldingsGainPercent": "- - -",
"AnnualizedGain": null,
"HoldingsGain": null,
"HoldingsGainPercentRealtime": "N/A - N/A",
"HoldingsGainRealtime": null,
"MoreInfo": "cnsprmiIed",
"OrderBookRealtime": null,
"MarketCapitalization": "631.9B",
"MarketCapRealtime": null,
"EBITDA": "60.449B",
"ChangeFromYearLow": "+37.2429",
"PercentChangeFromYearLow": "+52.82%",
"LastTradeRealtimeWithTime": "N/A - <b>107.75</b>",
"ChangePercentRealtime": "N/A - +1.40%",
"ChangeFromYearHigh": "-12.00",
"PercebtChangeFromYearHigh": "-10.02%",
"LastTradeWithTime": "Jan 7 - <b>107.75</b>",
"LastTradePriceOnly": "107.75",
"HighLimit": null,
"LowLimit": null,
"DaysRange": "106.695 - 108.20",
"DaysRangeRealtime": "N/A - N/A",
"FiftydayMovingAverage": "113.09",
"TwoHundreddayMovingAverage": "103.038",
"ChangeFromTwoHundreddayMovingAverage": "+4.712",
"PercentChangeFromTwoHundreddayMovingAverage": "+4.57%",
"ChangeFromFiftydayMovingAverage": "-5.34",
"PercentChangeFromFiftydayMovingAverage": "-4.72%",
"Name": "Apple Inc.",
"Notes": null,
"Open": "107.29",
"PreviousClose": "106.26",
"PricePaid": null,
"ChangeinPercent": "+1.40%",
"PriceSales": "3.41",
"PriceBook": "5.59",
"ExDividendDate": "Nov 6",
"PERatio": "16.47",
"DividendPayDate": "Nov 13",
"PERatioRealtime": null,
"PEGRatio": "1.26",
"PriceEPSEstimateCurrentYear": "13.68",
"PriceEPSEstimateNextYear": "12.41",
"Symbol": "AAPL",
"SharesOwned": null,
"ShortRatio": "1.90",
"LastTradeTime": "4:00pm",
"TickerTrend": " =+==== ",
"OneyrTargetPrice": "122.12",
"Volume": "39742776",
"HoldingsValue": null,
"HoldingsValueRealtime": null,
"YearRange": "70.5071 - 119.75",
"DaysValueChange": "- - +1.40%",
"DaysValueChangeRealtime": "N/A - N/A",
"StockExchange": "NasdaqNM",
"DividendYield": "1.74",
"PercentChange": "+1.40%"