This Choreo returns information on all bills and resolutions in the U.S. Congress since 1973 (the 93rd Congress). Detailed information about the GovTrack Bills API is available here.
The Choreo has optional parameters which can be used to filter the result. Here's an example of a set of optional inputs that limit the list of bills:
Sponsor: 400381
BillType: house_bill
Congress: 112
Order: -current_status_date
Operators can be used with filter parameters as well. This is indicated in the input descriptions. The syntax for filter operators is: {Operator}: {ParameterValue}. Valid operators are: contains, exact, gt, gte, lt, lte, in, startswith, and range. Here's an example of an input that uses a filter operator:
Congress: gt: 110
The above example requests bills where the congress field is greater than 110.
The following is a sample of the JSON information returned by this Choreo:
"meta": {
"limit": 20,
"next": null,
"offset": 20,
"previous": "/api/v1/bill/?order_by=-current_status_date&sponsor=400381&congress=112&offset=0&limit=20&bill_type=house_bill",
"total_count": 32
"objects": [
"bill_resolution_type": "bill",
"bill_type": "house_bill",
"bill_type_label": "H.R.",
"congress": 112,
"current_status": "referred",
"current_status_date": "2011-09-07",
"current_status_description": "This bill was assigned to a congressional committee on September 7, 2011, which will consider it before possibly sending it on to the House or Senate as a whole.",
"current_status_label": "Referred to Committee",
"display_number": "H.R. 2847",
"docs_house_gov_postdate": null,
"id": "76134",
"introduced_date": "2011-09-07",
"is_alive": true,
"is_current": true,
"link": "",
"number": 2847,
"resource_uri": "/api/v1/bill/76134/",
"senate_floor_schedule_postdate": null,
"sponsor": {
"bioguideid": "S000583",
"birthday": "1947-11-19",
"firstname": "Lamar",
"gender": "male",
"gender_label": "Male",
"id": "400381",
"lastname": "Smith",
"link": "",
"metavidid": "Lamar_S._Smith",
"middlename": "S.",
"name": "Rep. Lamar Smith [R-TX21]",
"namemod": "",
"nickname": "",
"osid": "N00001811",
"pvsid": "27097",
"resource_uri": "/api/v1/person/400381/",
"sortname": "Smith, Lamar (Rep.) [R-TX21]",
"twitterid": "LamarSmithTX21",
"youtubeid": "lamarsmithtexas21"
"sponsor_role": {
"congress_numbers": [
"current": true,
"description": "Representative for Texas's 21st congressional district",
"district": 21,
"enddate": "2012-12-31",
"id": "3238",
"party": "Republican",
"resource_uri": "/api/v1/role/3238/",
"role_type": "representative",
"role_type_label": "Representative",
"senator_class": null,
"startdate": "2011-01-05",
"state": "TX",
"title": "Rep.",
"title_long": "Representative",
"website": ""
"thomas_link": "",
"title": "H.R. 2847: American Specialty Agriculture Act",
"title_without_number": "American Specialty Agriculture Act"
"bill_resolution_type": "bill",
"bill_type": "house_bill",
"bill_type_label": "H.R.",
"congress": 112,
"current_status": "pass_over_house",
"current_status_date": "2011-08-01",
"current_status_description": "This bill passed in the House on August 1, 2011 and goes to the Senate next for consideration.",
"current_status_label": "Passed House",
"display_number": "H.R. 1933",
"docs_house_gov_postdate": null,
"id": "72560",
"introduced_date": "2011-05-23",
"is_alive": true,
"is_current": true,
"link": "",
"number": 1933,
"resource_uri": "/api/v1/bill/72560/",
"senate_floor_schedule_postdate": null,
"sponsor": {
"bioguideid": "S000583",
"birthday": "1947-11-19",
"firstname": "Lamar",
"gender": "male",
"gender_label": "Male",
"id": "400381",
"lastname": "Smith",
"link": "",
"metavidid": "Lamar_S._Smith",
"middlename": "S.",
"name": "Rep. Lamar Smith [R-TX21]",
"namemod": "",
"nickname": "",
"osid": "N00001811",
"pvsid": "27097",
"resource_uri": "/api/v1/person/400381/",
"sortname": "Smith, Lamar (Rep.) [R-TX21]",
"twitterid": "LamarSmithTX21",
"youtubeid": "lamarsmithtexas21"