This Choreo retrieves the list of photos in a set. The documentation for this Flickr method can be found here.
Note that the optional input named Extras has several possible values that can be provided in order to include additional photo elements in the response. The currently supported fields are:
description, license, date_upload, date_taken, owner_name, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo, tags, machine_tags, o_dims, views, media, path_alias, url_sq, url_t, url_s, url_q, url_m, url_n, url_z, url_c, url_l, url_o
Here's an example list of acceptable inputs:
PhotoSetID: 72157633086630069
The following is a sample of the JSON information returned by this Choreo:
"photoset": {
"id": "72157633086630069",
"primary": "8475639674",
"owner": "65365961@N07",
"ownername": "awttest",
"photo": [
"id": "8475639674",
"secret": "df4e309cb6",
"server": "8388",
"farm": 9,
"title": "new",
"isprimary": "1",
"url_m": "https:\/\/\/8388\/8475639674_df4e309cb6.jpg",
"height_m": "500",
"width_m": "386"
"id": "8475556512",
"secret": "beca454079",
"server": "8102",
"farm": 9,
"title": "new",
"isprimary": "0",
"url_m": "https:\/\/\/8102\/8475556512_beca454079.jpg",
"height_m": "500",
"width_m": "386"
"page": 1,
"per_page": "2",
"perpage": "2",
"pages": 2,
"total": "3"
"stat": "ok"