The FindRestaurantsByName Choreo retrieves contextual data from Factual by entering a restaurant query string. More information about the Factual API can be found here.
An example set of inputs might look like:
Query: Starbucks
The following is a sample of the JSON information returned by this Choreo:
"version": 3,
"status": "ok",
"response": {
"data": [
"address": "6123 Greenville Ave",
"alcohol": false,
"alcohol_bar": false,
"alcohol_beer_wine": false,
"alcohol_byob": false,
"attire": "streetwear",
"category_ids": [
"category_labels": [
"Food and Dining",
"Cafes, Coffee and Tea Houses"
"chain_id": "ab4c54c0-d68a-012e-5619-003048cad9da",
"chain_name": "Starbucks",
"country": "us",
"cuisine": [
"factual_id": "1ae08bd0-b32a-4b53-9acf-b3569e15cb88",
"hours": {
"monday": [
"tuesday": [
"wednesday": [
"thursday": [
"friday": [
"saturday": [
"sunday": [
"hours_display": "Mon-Fri 5:00 AM-10:00 PM; Sat-Sun 5:30 AM-10:00 PM",
"kids_goodfor": true,
"kids_menu": true,
"latitude": 32.86047,
"locality": "Dallas",
"longitude": -96.768276,
"meal_breakfast": true,
"meal_deliver": false,
"meal_lunch": true,
"meal_takeout": true,
"name": "Starbucks",
"neighborhood": [
"Greenville Ave",
"Vickery Meadows",
"Northeast Dallas/ White Rock",
"North Dallas",
"Upper Greenville"
"open_24hrs": false,
"options_glutenfree": true,
"options_healthy": true,
"options_organic": true,
"options_vegetarian": true,
"payment_cashonly": false,
"postcode": "75206",
"price": 1,
"rating": 2,
"region": "TX",
"reservations": false,
"tel": "(214) 360-0288",
"website": "",
"wifi": true
"included_rows": 20