Generate SDKs featuring your Choreos

One thing people love about Temboo is the ability to use our 2000+ Choreos in their favorite language by downloading one of our SDKs. We didn't want you to feel left out after building your own Choreos, so we came up with a way to automatically generate a version of our SDK that features all our standard Choreos, plus any that you've created yourself. This tutorial shows you how to generate a Temboo SDK containing your new Choreos.

Generate a Temboo SDK

Our SDK generation feature lets you download a version of Temboo SDKs that contain wrapper code for your Choreos, along with wrappers for the standard Temboo Library of Choreos. You can generate an SDK in any of the languages that we support by running a simple cURL command. Here's an example:

curl -k --basic -u ACCOUNT_NAME:TEMBOO_PASSWORD --header "Accept: application/xml" --header "x-temboo-domain: /ACCOUNT_NAME/master" '' -o temboosdk_custom.jar

Make sure to replace TEMBOO_PASSWORD with your Temboo account password.

Here's a list of the languages that you can choose from: java|php|python|nodejs|android|ios.

That's all there is to it. With this powerful feature you can take what we've done with our Library, extend it with the Choreos you want, and still get all the power of our multi-language SDKs for free.

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