Select the dev board you want to generate code for.
How Is It Connected?
Tell us how your board connects to the internet.
Set Up Your Sensors
Sense anything. Choose predefined sensors or select other to set up a generic sensor that reads pin voltage.
Set a Choreo Trigger
Use conditional logic to trigger Temboo Choreos based on sensor values.
Set Up Your Actuators
Choose pre-defined actuators for real-world actions, or select generic actuators to output raw data.
Obtain Your Credentials
Turn on 2-step authentication on your Google account, and then create an application-specific password using these Setup Instructions.
Security Tip
We recommend keeping important credentials out of your code by storing them using Profiles. This also reduces memory consumption and makes it easy to update them without changing your code.
Obtain Your Credentials
You’ll need to go through the OAuth process to obtain proper credentials which Temboo has simplified with Choreos. We recommend checking out this video before getting started with OAuth.
Security Tip
We recommend keeping important credentials out of your code by storing them on Temboo. This also reduces memory consumption and makes it easy to update them without changing your code.
Obtain Your Credentials
You’ll need to go through the OAuth process to obtain proper credentials which Temboo has simplified with Choreos. We recommend checking out this video before getting started with OAuth.
Security Tip
We recommend keeping important credentials out of your code by storing them on Temboo. This also reduces memory consumption and makes it easy to update them without changing your code.
Obtain Your Credentials
Create a Twilio account and obtain your AccountSID and authorization token by looking at your Dashboard (see our full setup instructions ).
Security Tip
We recommend keeping important credentials out of your code by storing them on Temboo. This also reduces memory consumption and makes it easy to update them without changing your code.
Obtain Your Credentials
Create a Nexmo account and obtain your API Key and API Secret in the API Settings menu API Settings menu (see our full setup instructions ).
Security Tip
We recommend keeping important credentials out of your code by storing them on Temboo. This also reduces memory consumption and makes it easy to update them without changing your code.
Supply Some Inputs
Give the process an input value e.g., "New York City".
You'll find notes for valid inputs by scrolling to the bottom of the page.
Supply Some Inputs
Fill in the desired Subject, FromAddress, ToAddress, and MessageBody.
Supply Some Inputs
Fill in the desired From, Subject, To, and MessageBody.
Supply Some Inputs
Fill in the desired Values and SpreadsheetID.
Supply Some Inputs
Fill in the desired From, To and Body.
Supply Some Inputs
Fill in the Text input with “Press 1 to change the state of your pin”. This is the message that will be translated to speech in the phone call alert. Fill in the desired ByeText, To, and Body. Set MaxDigits to 1.
Test your inputs in the browser
Click 'Generate Code' to test that your inputs are valid.
Set an Output Trigger
Set a condition based on your actuator values if your Yun should call based on an output.
Select Your Language
Select from the list of boards that come pre-shipped with Temboo's libraries.
Voila! Your Code Is Ready
Download your code and you’re ready to run.
Google requires that you enable 2-step verification and generate an App password to use this Choreo. If you’d like to authenticate using OAuth credentials, you should use the Google.Gmailv2 Choreos.
Obtain Your Client ID
We recommend checking out this video before getting started with OAuth.
Plug in the Client ID you've generated into the first input.
Specify Required Scopes
Specify any scopes your application requires. Scroll to the Notes section at the bottom of the Choreo page to find the scopes available for Google APIs in the Temboo library.
Test Your Inputs
Click the 'Generate Code' button to generate your Authorization URL and Callback ID.
Visit the Authorization URL
Open a new web browser tab, navigate to the authorization URL returned by the InitializeOAuth Choreo, and click "Accept" to grant the app access to your Google account.
Make sure you've got the latest version of the Energia IDE - it comes with the Temboo library already installed.
Connect to the internet
Confirm that your LaunchPad is connected to the internet.
Run the sketch
Open Energia and make sure you've got the correct board selected in the "Tools > Board" menu. Upload the code to your board and use the serial monitor to see your board connecting to Temboo.
Please select a platform to see instructions to run your code.
Run InitializeOAuth
Have your application run the InitializeOAuth Choreo to generate the Authorization URL.
Have the user authorize access
Using a web browser, direct the user to the Authorization URL provided in the InitializeOAuth step and have them manually grant access to your application.
Run FinalizeOAuth
Once control has been returned to your application, run the FinalizeOAuth Choreo to generate your access tokens.
Welcome to Temboo
Program the world. Generate code in less than 10 minutes.