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Library . USPS . DeliveryInformationAPI
The Delievery Information API is used to check estimated delivery times prior to mailing or check delivery status after mailing. The API lets you access the following tools: Track & Confirm, Priority Mail Service Standards, Package Service Standards, and Express Mail Service Commitments.
To use the Choreos in this bundle, you'll need a USPS web service developer account. If you don't already have a USPS web service account, you'll need to go through a few simple steps to get up and running. First, register for your account at You'll receive an authorization email with a user ID, password, and a server URL for testing integration of your site/service. The Choreos will automatically use a test server URL when the Endpoint input variable is set to 'testing'. It will access the production server URL when the Endpoint input variable is set to 'production'.
Before you can use the USPS for production applications, you'll need to perform a quick set of tests to have your application approved. Run tests using the ID and password from your authorization email -- setting the Endpoint input variable to 'testing'. After running the Choreos using the test settings, you're ready to request a link to a USPS production server by replying to your original authorization email or by calling or emailing the USPS Internet Customer Care Center. Make sure to reference your user ID in your message. When you're ready to run Choreos in the production environment, just set the Endpoint input variable to 'production'.
Request USPS Express Mail shipping information for a given origin and destination.
Request USPS Parcel Post, Bound Printed Matter, Library Mail, or Media Mail shipping information for a given origin and destination.
Request USPS Priority Mail shipping information for a given origin and destination.
Request tracking information for a package with a given tracking id.
Track a package sent via USPS and return tracking information with details in separate XML tags.
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