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Library . Twitter . Lists . GetOwnedLists
Retrieves lists owned by the specified user.
TembooTask class placeholder
TembooTask header placeholder
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This Choreo Retrieves lists owned by the specified user. The documentation for this Twitter resource can be found here.
Here's an example of acceptable inputs:
AccessTokenSecret: {YOUR TOKEN SECRET}
ScreenName: aarontemboodev
The following is a sample of the JSON information returned by this Choreo:
Note that in cases where both id and id_str are provided in the output, it is preferable to use id_str.
{ "next_cursor": 0, "next_cursor_str": "0", "previous_cursor": 0, "previous_cursor_str": "0", "lists": [ { "id": 95878299, "id_str": "95878299", "name": "TembooTestList", "uri": "/aarontemboodev/tembootestlist", "subscriber_count": 0, "member_count": 0, "mode": "private", "description": "new list description", "slug": "tembootestlist", "full_name": "@aarontemboodev/tembootestlist", "created_at": "Wed Sep 11 15:46:30 +0000 2013", "following": true, "user": { "id": 298083360, "id_str": "298083360", "name": "William", "screen_name": "aarontemboodev", "location": "Brooklyn", "description": "new test desc", "url": null, "entities": { "description": { "urls": [] } }, "protected": false, "followers_count": 1, "friends_count": 2, "listed_count": 1, "created_at": "Fri May 13 16:45:14 +0000 2011", "favourites_count": 0, "utc_offset": -14400, "time_zone": "Eastern Time (US & Canada)", "geo_enabled": false, "verified": false, "statuses_count": 1, "lang": "en", "contributors_enabled": false, "is_translator": false, "profile_background_color": "C0DEED", "profile_background_image_url": "", "profile_background_image_url_https": "", "profile_background_tile": false, "profile_image_url": "", "profile_image_url_https": "", "profile_link_color": "0084B4", "profile_sidebar_border_color": "C0DEED", "profile_sidebar_fill_color": "DDEEF6", "profile_text_color": "333333", "profile_use_background_image": true, "default_profile": true, "default_profile_image": true, "following": false, "follow_request_sent": false, "notifications": false } }, { "id": 95878251, "id_str": "95878251", "name": "aaronlist", "uri": "/aarontemboodev/aaronlist", "subscriber_count": 0, "member_count": 0, "mode": "public", "description": "test", "slug": "aaronlist", "full_name": "@aarontemboodev/aaronlist", "created_at": "Wed Sep 11 15:45:42 +0000 2013", "following": true, "user": { "id": 298083360, "id_str": "298083360", "name": "William", "screen_name": "aarontemboodev", "location": "Brooklyn", "description": "new test desc", "url": null, "entities": { "description": { "urls": [] } }, "protected": false, "followers_count": 1, "friends_count": 2, "listed_count": 1, "created_at": "Fri May 13 16:45:14 +0000 2011", "favourites_count": 0, "utc_offset": -14400, "time_zone": "Eastern Time (US & Canada)", "geo_enabled": false, "verified": false, "statuses_count": 1, "lang": "en", "contributors_enabled": false, "is_translator": false, "profile_background_color": "C0DEED", "profile_background_image_url": "", "profile_background_image_url_https": "", "profile_background_tile": false, "profile_image_url": "", "profile_image_url_https": "", "profile_link_color": "0084B4", "profile_sidebar_border_color": "C0DEED", "profile_sidebar_fill_color": "DDEEF6", "profile_text_color": "333333", "profile_use_background_image": true, "default_profile": true, "default_profile_image": true, "following": false, "follow_request_sent": false, "notifications": false } }, { "id": 95786344, "id_str": "95786344", "name": "TestList", "uri": "/aarontemboodev/testlist", "subscriber_count": 0, "member_count": 0, "mode": "public", "description": "", "slug": "testlist", "full_name": "@aarontemboodev/testlist", "created_at": "Mon Sep 09 22:03:29 +0000 2013", "following": true, "user": { "id": 298083360, "id_str": "298083360", "name": "William", "screen_name": "aarontemboodev", "location": "Brooklyn", "description": "new test desc", "url": null, "entities": { "description": { "urls": [] } }, "protected": false, "followers_count": 1, "friends_count": 2, "listed_count": 1, "created_at": "Fri May 13 16:45:14 +0000 2011", "favourites_count": 0, "utc_offset": -14400, "time_zone": "Eastern Time (US & Canada)", "geo_enabled": false, "verified": false, "statuses_count": 1, "lang": "en", "contributors_enabled": false, "is_translator": false, "profile_background_color": "C0DEED", "profile_background_image_url": "", "profile_background_image_url_https": "", "profile_background_tile": false, "profile_image_url": "", "profile_image_url_https": "", "profile_link_color": "0084B4", "profile_sidebar_border_color": "C0DEED", "profile_sidebar_fill_color": "DDEEF6", "profile_text_color": "333333", "profile_use_background_image": true, "default_profile": true, "default_profile_image": true, "following": false, "follow_request_sent": false, "notifications": false } } ] }
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