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Library . DonorsChoose . MathAndScience
Returns results for projects within the Math and Science category.
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This Choreo uses your API Key or the default test API Key to authenticate your account with, and returns results for projects within the Math & Science category. The result can be filtered by subcategories by using any of the below values in the Subject input:
Math & Science |
Health & Life Science |
Applied Science |
Environmental Science |
Mathematics |
The documentation for this resource can be found here.
The following is a sample of the XML information returned by this Choreo:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <o> <index type="string">0</index> <max type="string">1</max> <proposals class="array"> <e class="object"> <city type="string">Bellevue</city> <costToComplete type="string">351.24</costToComplete> <expirationDate type="string">2012-02-28</expirationDate> <freeShipping type="string">false</freeShipping> <fulfillmentTrailer type="string">My students need the Best of Jack Hartmann CD Library to help them remember basic facts, exercie CD&#039;s, and a CD player to play them on.</fulfillmentTrailer> <fundURL type="string">;donationAmount=&amp;utm_source=api&amp;utm_medium=feed&amp;utm_content=fundlink&amp;utm_campaign=DONORSCHOOSE</fundURL> <fundingStatus type="string">needs funding</fundingStatus> <gradeLevel class="object"> <id type="string">2</id> <name type="string">Grades 3-5</name> </gradeLevel> <id type="string">650363</id> <imageURL type="string"></imageURL> <latitude type="string">47.600120000000000</latitude> <longitude type="string">-122.148991000000000</longitude> <matchingFund class="object"> <amount type="string">0.00</amount> <faqURL type="string"/> <logoURL type="string"/> <matchingKey type="string"/> <name type="string"/> </matchingFund> <percentFunded type="string">30</percentFunded> <povertyLevel type="string">High Poverty</povertyLevel> <proposalURL type="string">;utm_source=api&amp;utm_medium=feed&amp;utm_content=bodylink&amp;utm_campaign=DONORSCHOOSE</proposalURL> <resource class="object"> <id type="string">2</id> <name type="string">Technology</name> </resource> <schoolName type="string">Lake Hills Elementary SCH</schoolName> <shortDescription type="string">Ever noticed how you can remember the lyrics to songs you have barely heard but you can&#039;t remember basic math facts? Research says music greatly increases the likelihood of remembering...</shortDescription> <state type="string">WA</state> <subject class="object"> <groupId type="string">4</groupId> <id type="string">8</id> <name type="string">Mathematics</name> </subject> <teacherName type="string">Ms. Coombs</teacherName> <title type="string">Singing the Math Facts</title> <totalPrice type="string">501.24</totalPrice> <zip type="string">98007-5596</zip> <zone class="object"> <id type="string">404</id> <name type="string">Washington</name> </zone> </e> </proposals> <searchTerms type="string">Most Urgent</searchTerms> <searchURL type="string">;utm_source=api&amp;utm_medium=feed&amp;utm_content=searchlink&amp;utm_campaign=DONORSCHOOSE</searchURL> <totalProposals type="string">813</totalProposals> </o>
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